
ONO, Options Not Obligations | Family First Entrepreneur

In his book "ONO, Options Not Obligations", Marc Warnke's invites us to see the business from the perspective of "family first". This is of course quite a bit different from most business books on the market that often focuses on how to make more money, achieving fame, grow and develop, get a job and managing people. Many web workers love what they do, especially for those who work virtually, as it allows for them to spend more time with their families or living outside of their careers

Warnke says that Wal-Mart and Sam’s Warehouse Club Founder Sam Walton’s last words were, “I blew it.” How could one of the richest people in the world think this? According to the author, Walton wasn’t reflecting on his massive wealth and business successes, but rather on missing family time.

"Ono, Options Not Obligations" dig your mindset to live with the choice-oriented view not only a huge obligation to become a wealthy businessman. Life as an "family first entrepreneur" requires a commitment to conduct a thorough change while working to overcome the fear of not having enough money to live like the life you want. Warnke, a recovering alcoholic who has dyslexia, shares everything about himself to show how it's possible to live the life Ono.

Warnke covers all the bases, including working with finances, figuring out wants vs. needs and managing time. The last part of the book goes into acting on your new thinking process. It’s easy to go back to key parts of the book later on, since every chapter ends with a bulleted list of key points covered.

To take advantage of this book, you do not need to be parents. If you have a dream to travel, spend more time for hobbies, or work less hours, you can apply Ono thinking to enjoy the things you love and put an emphasis on what matters to you. Warnke inspires, enlightens, educates, and gives practical assignments to help anyone ready and willing to live the life Ono

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