
Ambassador of Indonesia for Thailand Becoming Suspect IDR 2.5 Billion Diversion Budget

Suspect cases of alleged corruption Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia (Embassy) in Bangkok, Thailand, increased. The team investigating prosecutor who had just returned from the country's white elephant decided Ambassador of Indonesia to Thailand Mohammad Hatta became a suspect in the case of budget irregularities were IDR 2.5 billion.

"The results of the evaluation, found sufficient evidence of her involvement in a corruption case," said Attorney General Kapuspenkum Didiek Darmanto in his office yesterday (27/10). Hatta became the third suspect as Treasurer Embassy Suhaeni and Vice Ambassador Djumantoro Purbo.

Didiek explained, the determination of the suspect based evidence and suspect witness examination. "This development is the primary examination and Thailand," he explained. Prosecutors investigating a total of six people left for Thailand on October 12. They are one week in Bangkok and examined 20 witnesses.

Hatta scheduled to be examined at the Roundhouse this day at 09.00. However, there has been no Didiek affirm the determination of the Hatta's arrest, including two former suspects.

In a separate, legal counsel Hatta, Sira Prayuna, admitted not knowing his client's determination of the suspect. Similarly, examination of his client's plans this morning. "I do not know," Sira said when contacted this newspaper last night.

Sira said he has communicated with relevant Hatta case. However, he refused to give further statements. "I'll see developments go," and then hung up elaknya.

Allegations of corruption in the Bangkok Embassy of irregularities related to the remaining 2008 budget worth IDR 2.5 billion. The amount was not deposited back into the state treasury, but for other purposes without the revised budget of the Ministry of Finance.

One of the activities financed from the rest of the budget is The 14th summit of Asean that is already budgeted by the State Secretariat. However, Embassy Bangkok also budgeted funds. In addition, funds are used to pay benefits overpriced local officials and teachers at the Embassy Bangkok.

While in Bangkok the investigation team examining witnesses and suspects. Also confiscated money USD 35,000 and 3.22 million baht. In addition, confiscated some documents from the RI office in Bangkok. Among other things, the document DIPA (budget execution checklists) 2008-2009 fiscal year and the evidence of expenditure 2008-2009

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